Mel Bochner
[Artist, b. 1940, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, lives in New York.]

 Photography Cannot Record Abstract Ideas (Title of a 16x20 inch photograph depicting an index card on which that phrase is handwritten.) 

Anton Corbijn
[Photographer, b. 1955, Strijen, Netherlands, lives in London.]

 My biggest fear always is that I’ll photograph an idea rather than a person, so I try to be quite sensitive to how people are. 

Edwin Parker “Cy” Twombly
[Artist, b. 1928, Lexington, Virginia, d. 2011, Rome.]

 The Image cannot
be dis possessed of a
which IDEAS

Saul Leiter
[Photographer, b. 1923, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, d. 2013, New York.]

 I don’t have a philosophy. I have a camera. 

Paul Graham
[Photographer, b. 1956, Stafford, England, lives in New York.]

 …when you have a worthwhile idea, you should be prepared to gamble on it, test it out and see what the world gives back. 

Cory Arcangel
[Artist, b. 1978, Buffalo, New York, lives in New York.]

 Simplicity is an asset, not a weakness... The smaller the idea the happier I am. 

Jean Renoir
[Filmmaker, b. 1894, Paris, France, d. 1979, Beverly Hills, California.]

 I am against great themes and great subjects... You can’t film an idea. The camera is an instrument for recording physical impact. 

Hiroshi Sugimoto
[Photographer, b. 1948, Tokyo, lives in New York.]

 If I already have a vision, my work is almost done. The rest is a technical problem. 
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