Garry Winogrand
[Photographer, b. 1928, New York, d. 1984, Tijuana, Mexico.]

 I don’t have anything to say in any picture. But you do, from your experience, surmise something. You do give a photograph symbolic content, narrative content... But it’s nothing to worry about! 
 Photography is not about the thing photographed. It is about how that thing looks photographed. 
 There is nothing as mysterious as a fact clearly described. 
 There is no special way a photograph should look. 
 I photograph to see what things look like photographed. 
 What photograph isn’t a still life? 
 You know why your pictures are no fucking good? Because they don’t describe the chaos of life. (Quoted by Philip-Lorca DiCorcia) 
 I like to work in that area where content almost overwhelms form.