Jerry Uelsmann
[Photographer, b. 1934, Detroit, Michigan, lives in Gainesville, Florida.]

 I should like to encourage more young photographers to get off the streets and back into the darkroom. It is my conviction that the darkroom is capable of being, in the truest sense, a visual research lab: a place for discovery, observation, and meditation. 
 The courage to believe we don’t know what we think we know is the first stage of the discovery process. 
 I am drawn to art that challenges one’s sense of reality. 
 The painter does not begin with a fully-conceived canvas, the sculptor with a fully-conceived piece. They allow for a dialogue to evolve, to develop, and as far as I’m concerned the darkroom is truly capable of being of being a visual research laboratory, a place for discovery, observation and meditation. 
 I am involved with a kind of reality that transcends surface reality. More than physical reality, it is emotional, irrational, intellectual, and psychological. 
 My images say far more than I could say in words. I believe in photography as a way of exploring the possibilities of man. I am committed to photography and life... and the gods have been good to me. What can I say? Treat my images kindly, they are my children. 
 The contemporary artist... is not bound to a fully conceived, previsioned end. His mind is kept alert to in-process discovery and a working rapport is established between the artist and his creation. While it may be true, as Nathan Lyons stated, “The eye and the camera see more than the mind knows,” is it not also conceivable that the mind knows more than the eye and the camera can see? 
 My desire is to emphasize the importance of the humanistic experiences provided by photography, for our medium is a natural vehicle for the encountering and questioning of life. 
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